How Gum Grafting Works
Treatment varies according to which type of gum grafting is decided upon, but all treatment follows the below basic steps.
With microsurgical gum grafting we can obtain the gum tissue we need the same day as the gum graft. In some cases we will use donated gum tissue or synthetic tissue, such as collagen in the Pinhole Surgical Technique.
We use a special illumination & magnification to view the inside of your mouth. This allows our doctors to use small instrumentation and thus they need only make tiny incisions. It also increases the field of vision, providing more accurate and successful surgery.
In certain situations we use platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) from the patient’s own blood to boost healing.
Post treatment, most people take a couple of doses of over-the-counter pain medication for a day or two. We like to see our patients for three follow-up visits over a period of three to six months.
Recognized Leaders In Gum Grafting
Dr. Joel Henriod & Dr. Tyler Hendry bring to our practice a deep specialization in minimally invasive gum grafting. Known throughout the U.S. for his expertise on gum grafting, Joel Hendriod is a sought-after lecturer and trainer of dentists on this treatment, as well as a preferred periodontist for dentists to refer patients for gum grafting.
Minimally Invasive Gum Grafting
You’ve heard the expression “long in the tooth,” meaning getting on in age, and it’s true that nothing ages a face more than gums that have receded. However, people nowadays don’t have to live with their receding gums and can undergo gum graft surgery to cover the exposed tooth roots.
If you are interested in Gum Grafting, the first step is to establish how we can proceed with a thorough examination. We will also review your medical and dental history to find the best plan for you.
We will advise you on your treatment options, and answer any questions you have.
To make an appointment, call (626) 796-5386 or click here to request an appointment online.
What Causes Receding Gums?
Gum recession is the exposure of the tooth roots caused by the gum tissue retracting. Gum recession is most commonly caused by:
- Genetics
- Teeth that are out of alignment
- Teeth grinding
- Trauma to the teeth
- Overly aggressive brushing or flossing
- Severe gum disease

The Dangers And Treatment Of Gum Recession
Root surfaces are softer than tooth enamel. This makes it more prone to erosion and more sensitive to heat, cold, and even sweets. They can get so worn that the teeth loosen or break.
Gum grafting can also be used to treat gums that are too thin. Thin gums can’t support a tooth properly and will eventually lead to gum recession and bone loss.
Microsurgical techniques make our gum grafting minimally invasive. We only need to use local anesthesia, although sedation is an option for patients who are anxious. Most patients take over the counter pain medicine for a few days after the procedure.
For many patients the gold standard is to use live tissue from the palatal area. A small 1 cm long incision is used to harvest some of the dense, live tissue from below the surface layer tissue.
Other techniques remove a small rectangle of live tissue from the surface. Sutures or a special wound covering are used to protect the donor area as it heals.
Traditional gum graft surgery is a lengthy and painful procedure. However, with new advancements, Drs. Henriod and Hendry can repair your gums with a fast and comfortable minimally invasive procedure known as microsurgery.
An alternative to live tissue transplanted from palatal area, acellular dermal matrix (ADM) or “dermis” can be used to thicken tissue and cover exposed roots. Many situations can benefit from donor tissue, especially when many teeth need treatment at the same time.
While traditional gum grafting techniques had a reputation for being painful, newer techniques are among the most gentle surgical dentistry today. Contemporary techniques rely on microsurgical access, small or no incisions, and special instruments. Most patients are able to recover from gum grafting treatment with a few days of over the counter pain medicine.
One recent development in gum grafting for receding gums is the Pinhole Surgical Technique. Both Dr. Hendry and Dr. Henriod are trained in this technique. With the pinhole technique, receding gums are treated by shifting the gum tissue over the exposed roots through minute pinholes, and stabilizing the gums in position with collagen or gum graft.