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Use Dental Bonding to Fix Gaps in Your Smile

February 15, 2018

It's not that easy to find people who are 100% happy with their natural smile. As long as our mouths are functioning properly and teeth are relatively straight and white, many of us are willing to live with minor imperfections. However, there are also dental issues that can affect oral health and appearance to the point that lives are negatively impacted.

If you suffer from crowding or gaps, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You have plenty of options for correcting such issues, both with orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry. In cases of serious tooth or bite misalignment, orthodontic braces are likely the best bet. However, if you're dealing with minor gaps that affect your confidence and increase risks for oral health concerns, you needn't necessarily spend the next two years suffering the embarrassment and discomfort of braces.

Instead, you could save a lot of time, money, and heartache by simply opting for dental bonding to fix the gaps in your smile. How can you tell if you're a good candidate for this procedure? What is involved and what benefits do you stand to gain? Here's what you need to know.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Bonding is a great option for many people, but in some cases, your dental issues may be too severe. If you suffer from extreme misalignment of teeth or severe bite issues, orthodontic braces might be a better option.

If you are dealing with minor gaps, crowding, chips, cracks, or discoloration, dental bonding could provide the best solution for immediate results. The best way to find out which treatment is right for you is to consult with your dentist.

In addition, you should know that bonding materials, while strong and durable, are not the same as your natural teeth, and you'll need to take special care of this dental work to ensure longevity. The composite resin used for bonding can become stained if you smoke or drink a lot of coffee or tea, just for example, so if you can't kick these habits, bonding may not be right for you.

You also have to be careful about putting too much pressure on dental bonding. If you compulsively bite your nails, munch on hard candy or ice, or you suffer from bruxism, you should talk to your dentist about whether or not bonding is right for you.

What to Expect

Dental bonding is an in-office treatment that can be completed in a single dental visit, and it's relatively quick and easy. When you arrive for your visit, your dentist will first compare samples of tooth-colored resin to your natural teeth to find the closest match.If you're unhappy with the color of your teeth, you might want to consider whitening first so that you can choose appropriate bonding materials.

Then next step is to prepare your teeth to receive bonding materials, and this requires some etching to ensure the strongest possible bond. Next, the malleable composite resin can be applied to teeth and shaped by the dentist to create the appearance you want. Finally, the resin will be cured with a blue light to harden and cement it in place. After a polish to perfect the appearance, your visit is complete and you can enjoy your gap-free smile.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

There are many reasons to consider dental bonding when it comes to fixing gaps. For one thing, it is among the most affordable options available, as opposed to orthodontic braces or veneers. It may not provide the same permanent results at braces, but with proper care, bonding typically lasts just as long as veneers (about ten years) at less cost.Bonding is also quick and easy. Whereas you might have to wear braces for months to achieve permanent results, you can get an instant fix with bonding, leaving the office with your new and improved smile after a single visit. You'll avoid the discomfort and embarrassment of wearing braces when you opt for bonding.

While not every patient is a good candidate for bonding, many people dealing with minor alignment issues like gaps in teeth can see significant and immediate improvement with dental bonding. If you're unhappy with the appearance of your smile and you're worried about oral health risks associated with gaps in teeth, don't hesitate to ask your dentist if dental bonding is the right solution to fix your gaps.

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